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Front Porch Film was born from a young girl's desire to take control of her dream & her destiny. 


Dreams will not knock on your front door, they must be chased, captured and realized.  


Tara-Nicole, an award winning young author, wanted to branch out  & create her own screenplays.  She also wanted creative control over her, with help from her family, Tara-Nicole created Front Porch Film.


In just 7 years, Front Porch Film has produced 7 short films, a competition trailer, two web series, has a feature in pre-production & won numerous awards in filmmaking.  


Success is possible, dreams can be realized, but only if you put the time, energy, work & passion into your goals.


Everyone has strengths.  No one person is fantastic at everything.  Our philosophy is to surround ourselves with talented cast & crew who each bring his or her own unique talent to the project.


Collaboration & team input is important.


Though we are a student production company, we realize the importance of cast & crew feeling valued & we do pay stipends on most of our projects.


We also believe in promoting our films & our cast & crew.  A great work of art needs to be exhibited.  Student films all too often show once & then are put to rest.  We choose to market our films  to festivals.  This enables our cast & crew to be recognized for their efforts.


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